Dublin AM Rotary sponsored the club's second Veterans' Flight on Sunday, October 3 to Washington DC to tour the Nation's signature memorial sites in honor and recognition of the men and women who have served our country.

Eight veterans, two World War II and six Korean War, were flown to DC by club flying Rotarian pilots Mike Close, John Miller, Phil Yoder and friend of Rotary Dr. Bob Banasik.

Veterans included: Willis James Harper, Kenneth Breckler, Vincent Cahill, Pete Cole, Cas Bondarewicz, Michael Durso, Ed Elfrink and Kent Williamson. 

Caregivers included: Sgt Elise Leandres, US Army National Guard, Columbus, and club members Cindy Groeniger and Sue Burness.

Special thanks to Dave Williamson for coordinating the trip and the pilots who donated their time and the personal planes in the name of service.