
Every year, we make thousands of dollars for the club by supporting the City at the Dublin Irish Festival. Our duties are fun and light: we deliver alcohol to the serving stations. We drive carts, communicate with walkie-talkies and iPads, and make sure the World's Great Irish Festival is enjoyable. We also have a lot of fun, sharing cookout food and laughter.
Every year, we make thousands of dollars for the club by supporting the City at the Dublin Irish Festival. Our duties are fun and light: we deliver alcohol to the serving stations. We drive carts, communicate with walkie-talkies and iPads, and make sure the World's Great Irish Festival is enjoyable. We also have a lot of fun, sharing cookout food and laughter.
Each year, we make thousands of dollars to support the club's great work by volunteering at the Dublin Irish Festival. Our duties are light an enjoyable: we deliver alcohol to the various stations on the grounds. We use carts to deliver, communicate with walkie-talkies and iPads, and make sure the World's Greatest Irish Festival runs smoothly. We also have a lot of fun, sharing cookout food and laughing. For detailed instructions about signing up, see below. You may also download the MS Word Document listed under "FILES" on this page. If you volunteered in the past and need your log-in name, communicate with Andy Keeler or see the instructions below for how to retrieve it.
Registration Reminders
Registration is Mandatory
Each Sharing o’ the Green participant is required to register themselves. If a participant is unable to keep their committed shift, they must cancel and their substitute MUST register in their place.
All alcohol servers ARE REQUIRED to attend a 2015 Beverage Server Training Session prior to their first shift, even if they have attended in a previous year. All alcohol servers must be 21 years of age, or older. Participant IDs will be checked at the Training Sessions and upon checking in at the Festival. Any alcohol server who has not attended a 2015 Training Session will not be permitted to participate.
Logging In for the First Time
- Click on the “Sharing o’ the Green” button at DublinIrishFestival.org
- If you did not serve for an organization in 2015 please click the Register button under the Not Registered Yet? section.
- Create a username and password, click Next.
(We recommend using your email address as your password, for easy remembering)
- If you did serve for an organization in 2014 please sign into your account or click “Forgot your user name and password?”
- Enter Dublin AM Rotary join code: blarney (all join codes must be entered in ALL LOWERCASE. Click Next. If you have multiple join codes, enter one and proceed to the next page where you will receive instructions on how to enter another.
- If you only have one group for which you are working, hit Next on the following page to proceed. If you need to enter an additional join code, click Previous and enter your next code.
- If your group is working at a location where alcohol is served, select the Alcohol Servers box and then click Next. If you are not at a location where alcohol will be served, simply click Next.
- On the following page, enter your information in the fields provided and click Next.
- On the following page, review your information for accuracy and click Next if you are satisfied with your information. Click Next, one more time to proceed to the scheduling page.
Scheduling Alcohol Server Training
- If you are at a location where alcohol is served, you must
- Attend Alcohol Training (even if you have attended in previous years)
- Be over the age of 21 and provide proof of age upon check in.
- To sign up for Alcohol Server Training, simply click on the Sign Up button next to the training you wish to attend.
- Once you have selected the training you wish to attend and have clicked the Sign Up button, click Next on the following page confirming the date of the training.
- If you are serving alcohol, click the Alcohol Servers box on the following page and click Next.
- Click Finish on the following page to confirm your training reservation.
- Click Continue to proceed back to the scheduling home page and to see your reservation.
Scheduling Shifts
- To sign up for a shift at your location, simply click on the Sign Up button next to the shift you wish to work. Under the Sign Up button, the number of spots still available for that shift will be displayed.
- Click Next on the following page once you have verified that you have selected your desired shift.
- On the following page, click the box next to the name of your organization to verify that you are signing up under the correct group. Click Next to proceed.
- Click Finish to reserve that shift, and click Continue on the following page to return to the scheduling home page.
Canceling a Scheduled Shift
- On the scheduling home page, any shifts or trainings for which you are scheduled will be listed at the top of the page. If you wish to cancel a scheduled shift, simply hit the Cancel button next to the shift you would like to cancel.
- On the following page, confirm that you have selected the correct shift to cancel and click Next.
- Click Finish to finalize the cancelation. On the following page, click Continue to return to the scheduling home page.
Editing Your Account Information
- At the top of the scheduling home page, click the Your Account link.
- This page will take you back through the registration pages allowing you to change a password, add additional join codes, and change your personal information.
Every year, we make thousands of dollars for the club by supporting the City at the Dublin Irish Festival. Our duties are fun and light: we deliver alcohol to the serving stations. We drive carts, communicate with walkie-talkies and iPads, and make sure the World's Great Irish Festival is enjoyable. We also have a lot of fun, sharing cookout food and laughter.