Dublin A.M. Rotary Community Service Scholarship
The Dublin A.M. Rotary Community Service Scholarship(s) will be awarded to seniors who reside within the Dublin City School District, will be graduating in the Spring of 2017 and will be utilizing this scholarship for the Fall 2017 school year.
To be eligible, the applicant MUST reside within the Dublin City School District (proof of residency is required). The scholarships will be awarded to students who have been involved in community service/volunteer work, have practiced and participated in a drug/alcohol-free lifestyle, have demonstrated positive leadership qualities, academic achievement, and financial need.
Written documentation addressing each criteria item is required. Multiple scholarships may be awarded (only one per person) to seniors who have been evaluated to meet/exceed the established weighted criteria. Scholarship awards and recipient selection is performed by the Dublin A.M. Rotary, with the number and amount of scholarships determined at the sole discretion of the Dublin A.M. Rotary. No scholarship will be awarded for less than $500.00.
Contact Sarah Richardson or Laurie Penland for more information.
You can download the application form here.