Rotary Zoom Meeting March 26th, 2021
Melanoma Education Foundation ~ President Stephen Fine
You can see more screenshots on our Flickr page or view the video on our YouTube channel.
New Member WELCOME and Induction for Lyle Brown, an experienced Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow joining Dublin AM Rotary.
Bonnie announced that she would like to hear from interested members for her Community Services Committee.  Already on the committee are members Bruce Andrews in charge of Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Susan Robenalt for Holiday shopping, Roberta Kayne for Food Pantry Collections, and others are needed for  Parade Marshals and such important Rotary events and contributions to our community. 
Roberta is collecting for the Food Bank, please put donations on Dave Bentz's home porch or take items yourself to the Food Pantry and check in your goods.
Amber Hulme announced that the YWCA Women’s Center had a disaster and they are welcoming donations of supplies, gift cards, and money. The Board will be in discussions for a grant as well.
No Rotary Meeting April 2-Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Presentation by Stephen Fine, President of the Melanoma Education Foundation:
The Key to surviving Melanoma is Early Detection and Fast Removal with a dermatologist.
Do self-skin checks monthly so you notice changes and use www.Skin for education.
Steve presented the following::
Keys to detection
Types of Melanoma
Warning signs of skin cancer
Nodular Melanomas 
EFG Signs:
*Firm to touch
*Growing more than 2 weeks
Common Body locations
Solar Radiation Spectrum and UVA and UVB
Please be aware for early detection and treatment for you and your families - early detection prevents more serious cancer. For more information go to