Posted by Ingrid Fields on Jun 08, 2018
Dublin AM Rotary Meeting Notes
Friday, June 8, 2018
  • Dublin Library is receiving a donation from Dublin Rotary Foundation for $25,000. The announcement made at today’s meeting by Susan Robenalt also discussed the community presence and direction of this donation. 
  • The Irish Festival time is upon us and Andy will be emailing links to our membership for volunteer registration.  This is an important fun and “fund-raising” event for our club, please look for the email and register!
  • Mike Isler announced that we are looking for additional members for the communications committee.   There will be a meeting announced for this committee through email.  Please join us at the meeting and get in touch with Mike now if you are interested.
  • Exchange students are arriving from Taiwan in conjunction with other Rotary groups and Sharon announced that we are looking for 2 additional host families now.  She offered to help with transportation and other support if you can host one of the students.
  • Kent Underwood reminded our members that 2 emails have gone out and we have many members attending the installation dinner 6/29 and 1 final email will be sent to encourage all the members to sign up. Also make sure to make the meeting!
  • Kent also did an honorary guest membership badge presentation to Frank Dillenschneider recognizing his fabulous attendance at our club meetings.
  • Susan West reminder us to enjoy the Dublin Arts Sunday evening Summer Concert Series on Dublin Rd. at the park, the Dublin Arts group will be speaking at one of our meetings soon also.
  • Tim Byrd from Sales XCeleration was our guest today, in addition to Frank of course.
Featured Speakers: Kirsten Minnie Intelligence Analyst
Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) Columbus
Also joined by Anna Edgar, Special Agent
Human Trafficking, Smuggling and Narcotics Use  
Kirsten’s presentation shared information about human trafficking, smuggling implications, what cases we are seeing locally and resources available to help should indicators be seen and the role of HSI.
There are 400 crimes that HIS is authorized to investigate including human trafficking, human smuggling, border violations and narcotics. There are differences between trafficking people for the sex trade, child pornography, manual labor and smuggling which is defined more in regard to unlawful transportation.
Kirsten explained the differences and cited cases such as the White case where the network included 70 girls across 3 states.
Another Central Ohio case was the female brothel owner arrested in Delaware.
Resources exist to investigate and also to help victims when they get out.  
Human trafficking Task Force can be reached at 888-373-7888
The Star House started by OSU Natasha Slesnick helps runaways not become victims.
Blue Campaign also has a suspicious activity line 1-866-DHS-2-ICE and in all cases call 911 if that