Posted by Ingrid Fields on Jan 11, 2019
Dublin AM Rotary January 11, 2019 Meeting
C. Matthew Curtin, Founder of Interhack, spoke about The Threat, The Response and Our Responsibility
Today’s Announcements:  
Kent Underwood explained the Survey Monkey link in his email and reiterated the importance of your input and interest in member comments. Please complete your surveys.
Progressive dinner is here! February 16th 2019 is the date and Peter Georgiton is ready to discuss your home and where we will be enjoying this social event together.
Polar Bear volunteers needed- please contact Jim Bandeen if you are not golfing and can volunteer. Polar Bear registration is Open and ready for your RSVP, attendees and guests for February 9th, make sure it is on your calendar and that you register to play or volunteer.
Sinan has a foreign exchange dinner and driving opportunity coming up for 2 families on January 19th! Drivers and Dinner hosts for 4 students are needed. Please volunteer by contacting Sinan directly.
Susan West is on the lookout for your recommendations and interesting Speakers for our Friday meetings.
Wolf announced the middle school robotics have a big competition at Coffman High School starting Saturday around 1 pm, come support Steve Schmitt as coach, Jim Listebarger as judge and Peter’s daughter as team member.
Claudia has Roberta’s calendars today and the proceeds go to our club, see them in person
Susan was a great Sergeant At Arms and collected Happy Bucks and we heard an amazing story from Steve about his holiday sermon -make sure and ask him!
Today’s Meeting
Ron Morgan introduced Matt Curtin, subject matter expert in Cyber security, author of 2 books Brute Force: Cracking the Data Encryption Standard  and Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security. Matt is Founder of Interhack, a Columbus based expertise firm and national resource for expert witness on privacy, security and forensics.  
Matt covered
  • The Threat
  • The Threat Response
  • Our responsibility
Matt’s discussion included the Al Qaida’s goal of economic disruption.  Bankrupting American companies, loss of IP and costly security solutions is their strategy.
Matt also discussed the problems depending on surveillance.  Resilience, what resilience looks like and how to manage the risk in our eco-systems concluded the talk.