Dublin AM Rotary Zoom Meeting 10/9/20
A Visit with our District Governor and Leadership Team
Enjoy hearing our District Governor Steve Heiser at this meeting Recording Link for 10/9/20:
Steven Heiser District Governor
Maryjane Shackelford DG- Elect
Tom Kleven Assistant District Governor
Wolf Lant Assistant District Governor
This meeting was a very interesting and reassuring time with our Rotary Leadership. Steven Heiser shared why it is more important and impactful now to be a Rotarian.
But first a few announcements:
Saturday is our Rotary Virtual Summit from 9-4:30 and you can come and go on Zoom as the sessions interest you. Please see the emails that have been sent to sign up or go to the Rotary 6690 website.
Next Friday will be a hybrid meeting- Zoom and in person 10/16. Please wear your masks and join in person or on Zoom.
10/20 Rotary Master Class by Ann Ralston
10/24- World Polio Day
District Web site also has service projects
Steve shared his own global experiences in Rotary ad discussed our new President of Rotary's 4 pillars
New inovative club models
Strategic Planning and Next steps
Select New Members
End Polio nd keep our promise to the children of the world
Be for affirmative working for others-Time, Talent, Treasure
Felowship and Service
Discussion on the next 2 annual conferences