Claudia Trusty, long-time member of Dublin AM Rotary, started a Peace Building committee with co-chairs Stef Morrow and Jill Kranstuber, during the pandemic to help address the spread of divisive and unproductive dialogue among neighbors and even families. We thought a Peace Pole would be a good symbol, a gentle reminder that Peace On Earth can be more than a motto. 
We approached Councilman Andy Keeler and Christine Nardecchia, Dublin’s Dir. of Outreach and Engagement, to see if that was a do-able project. They both quickly endorsed our efforts and directed us to City Manager Dana McDaniel. He was totally onboard, and asked us to think big. Big Peace Pole, more languages and definitely a very prominent location. 
Our partnership with the City allowed us to do that. We thank everyone who has collaborated with us: City Leadership, Planning and the Parks & Rec team who handled the installation and landscaping. And we asked Dublin school students to suggest which languages to include for the saying May Peace Prevail On Earth. 
This Peace Pole is one way in which Dublin AM Rotarians demonstrate our commitment to peace building through respectful conversations among diverse communities. We hope it serves as a reminder to those who see it that creating peace here and throughout the world is an inclusive effort. 
To see more photos of the Peace Pole Installation go to our Flickr album